ABLAZE : Camella Mindanao 2022 Annual Awards
Camella Mindanao celebrates the success of top business partners that stayed fierce amidst the scorching surge of challenges of the past year.

Fire is gold aflame; Gold is fire solidified. Camella Mindanao celebrates the success of top business partners that stayed fierce amidst the scorching surge of challenges of the past year in Camella Mindanao’s recently concluded event— ABLAZE: Camella Mindanao 2022 Annual Awards. 

The theme “Ablaze” takes inspiration from fire and gold, symbolizing passion and success. Ablaze signifies the journey of Camella Mindanao to triumph over the past year’s hurdles. Like gold in flames, the team took the challenges of 2022 as a chance to hone and refine their abilities and become better and more proactive individuals. Like gold in flames, they successfully persisted through the unforeseen barrage of problems and impediments. Read more here. Read more here.


Camella Brings Real Estate to 106th AnCom
Camella, a reputable real estate developer committed to providing quality homes to Filipino families, participated in the recently concluded 106th Annual Communication (AnCom) of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines.